Batman, caped crusader of 69 years and biggest screen superhero of all time has in the last two days been killed off in the latest 681st issue of his DC comic. Glaswegian comic book writer Grant Morrison is the man responsible for this and what’s more is that it is Bruce Wayne's father, Doctor Thomas Wayne, who has done it! The notorious story entitled Batman RIP sees the caped crusader targeted by a menacing organisation 'The Black Glove' and its mystifying leader 'Simon Hurt'. Batman is drugged, buried alive but becomes free but is also shot by 'Hurt'. 'Hurt' then asserts that is true identity is Doctor Thomas Wayne, Bruce's dead from childhood father, and reveals that his death was faked when Joe Chill pulled the trigger on the gun. He insists also that Chill should have shot Bruce and his mother. 'Hurt' try’s to escape in a helicopter, then Batman leaps on to it forcing to crash and go up in a fireball. Batman is 'dead', no sign of Bruce found, then jumping ahead six months later, Batman is back in action! But it is rumoured to be his previous sidekick 'Robin' aka Dick Grayson inside the suit. DC Comics have said "It is definitely the end of Bruce Wayne as the Batman. Rumours are he is still alive but he does not want to be the hero anymore!”
So as Batman's movie career gets off to a flying start, the comic books have killed him off. Both 'Batman Returns' and 'The Dark Knight' have been re-released as a double bill IMAX cinema experience in Odeon Cinemas in the UK who have IMAX cinemas. Rumour has it also in the run up to the Oscars next March 2009 that 'The Dark Knight' will be re-released and it has been announced by American entertainment magazine 'Entertainment Weekly' that Warner Bros. would be campaigning for a nomination for Heath Ledger in the supporting actor category, putting to rest all the speculation and suggestions that he could be a contender for the Best Actor Oscar. If he were to win it, this would be the second time that a deceased actor would have won an Oscar after death. Peter Finch is the only other actor who has done this for 1976's 'Network'.