A blog to discuss, review and break news of superheroes making it to the big and small screen adding nostalgia and reminiscence along the way to projects that may have been forgotten about yesteryears. All hail the comic book movies...

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Our 1st Poll results: Who should play Captain America in the 2011 movie ?

Well considering this is our first poll with only a total of 11 votes :0(.

The results are as follows on our newly created blog:

Matt Damon 63% 7 votes

Leonardo DiCaprio 27% 3 votes

Clive Owen 9% 1 vote

Daniel Craig 0% 0 votes

Although a dissappointing number of votes which really cannot draw us to any positive conclusion at such a time but to raise awareness to the question, it is interesting to see that Matt Damon got a majority here. Daniel Craig has not even been considered for the role and was just placed here as an odd choice, playing James Bond would probably not allow him to be considered for the part but would have been interesting to see if any thought would have been made for him had he not been playing James Bond. In my opinion he could have been a good choice because of his rugged looks and blonde features suitable enough for the Steve Rogers aka.

On trawling the internet recently I discovered that Will Smith had been contacted as an interest for the role and that was even before Barack Obama had won the U.S. Elections early November. Though in Marvel's Ultimate Series Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been turned into an African American character and also appears after the credits in this year's Iron Man movie played by Samuel L. Jackson. Another actor who has been contacted also is Doctor Who/Torchwood star John Barrowman who at the San Diego Comic-Con in July this year ended up admitting there had been discussions with his agents and meetings on the possibility of him playing the star spangled hero. Clive Owen another consideration, though some fan reaction to this is "They're making a Captain America movie, not Captain Britain !". Leonardo DiCaprio was placed here because that it Marvel's personal choice to play Captain America, though he has second choice here in the poll Marvel's second choice for the role of the patriotic super-soldier is said to be Brad Pitt. So no conclusion, we'll raise this question again in a future poll !


Limanim said...

Don't mean to sound mean but I think one of the reasons the number of votes were so low was because the choice of actors aren't very good.

Leonardo Di Caprio, Clive Owen or Daniel Craig would be very wrong. I also think it would be bad for the character if he wasn't played by an American. Matt Damon is the best of the suggestions but even then, I'm sure you could find a more suitable actor. Physically he needs to be totally ripped though.

As for Will Smith he may be playing a character called Isaiah Bradley. Isaiah Bradley is basically the black Captain America, story goes back in WW2 before using the super soldier forumla on Steve Rogers the US government tested on Black soldiers - Isaiah Bradley was the only soldier who survived as is basically the same as Captain America except for the colour of his skin. It would be interesting if they included this character

Frank Halligan said...

Thanks Liam...Di Caprio and Owen were already considered via internet, I added Damon as a personal choice and Craig as a far outsider...Sorry not racist but would rather have a white Captain America as unfamiliar with Isaiah Bradley until you informed me, so why Damon 'sweep' the poll...and like I said we can come back to the poll again sometime in the future with other consideration actors...maybe an unknown would sort the issue out ??

Limanim said...

No personally agree with you, wouldn't want Will Smith as Captain Ameria. Want Steve Rogers, (bit of a Nazi love child) but he should be blonde haired blue eyed.

Might be interesting to include another super soldier but probably not.

Do you know if the Captain America movie is going to be set in WW2?