A blog to discuss, review and break news of superheroes making it to the big and small screen adding nostalgia and reminiscence along the way to projects that may have been forgotten about yesteryears. All hail the comic book movies...
2009 Comic Book Movies
Here is a list of this year's comic book movie releases. Over the coming days I shall review the anticipation of each of them and try to give as much news as possible about them.
Afternoon Frank, I'm on Web 2.0's week 6 reflection here so I thought I'd make worthwhile with my time by ragging on this year's poor comic-book film lineup like the huge naysayer that I am...
A really poor lineup there for the comic book films this year, I think. Transformers being the only real standout.
Warzone is actually pretty good for what it is! (a mindless shooter), though I still preferred Tom Jane (cue uproar at that response).
I fully await the response of "But what about Watchmen?"...hmm. What I fear for Watchmen is that come next month when it's inevitably the #1 box office film in several countries, every Tom, Dick and Harry will be touting how they've been Watchmen fans for a long time, the same way everyone had claimed they'd read The Killing Joke in an attempt to hop on the Heath Ledger bandwagon last summer. Does that sound cynical? why yes, it does.
And whilst on the subject of cynicism, GI Joe will surely be a steaming pile of mess. Unless they manage to pull off a hugely villainous portrayal of Cobra Commander that rivals Frank Lanegan's Skeletor (which was worthy of an Oscar!). Which they won't...
Frank Langella I mean, not Frank Lanegan!
Cheers for your comments Mike :0) That's what I want this blog to be about also...ye I admit it's not a great year for comic book movies but we don't want the genre worn out and I think 2011 will hopefully be a big year with the much anticipated 'Avengers' movie which i'm looking forward to myself :0)
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